Latinum 5.2.2 Released

Version 5.2.2

Beantrader Latinum version 5.2.2 is a bugfix release.

The most important changes are listed in this document.

### Charts
   * Fixed top and bottom margins to include new highs and lows of the
     incomplete candle
   * Fixed update of studies price scale labels displayed in sub-charts
   * Changed alerts created from the chart to match the charts current
     price field (Mid, Bid or Ask only)

### Studies
   * Improved interactive editing of price alerts from charts using
     the price alert study
   * Changed Pivot Point Indicator to use the same price field (Mid,
     Bid or Ask only) as the chart [^1]

### Alerts
   * Added support for Mid price alerts
   * Added support for price alerts using the OANDA data feed
   * Improved performance testing price alerts against price updates

### Datafeed
   * OANDA
      * Fixed high/low for previous close candle open mode

[^1]: Important change made in 5.2.0.